Surgery For Congenital Heart Diseases
Our Center is a pioneer in providing services to children and adults with congenital heart diseases. It is the first and only center in Cyprus that provides this type of care. Already in the first year and a half of its operation, more than 115 complex operations have been performed on children and adults with congenital heart diseases, many of which have been performed for the first time in Cyprus, such as pulmonary valve replacement, closure of the atrial defect (Sinus venosus Defect) and abnormal bulging of the pulmonary veins in children, correction of tetralogy of Fallot and correction of aortic isthmus stenosis.
Most of the patients who have come to the Center had been operated on abroad. For the successful outcome of these cases, there is permanent collaboration with specialist pediatric cardiologists from abroad, as well as with the KindeHerz Foundation, a non-profit organization from Germany that supports many pediatric cardiosurgery clinics around the world.