
Maria Τhrease Keating
December 2024
I conducted extensive research on the best possible surgical option for myself once I had been diagnosed with Umbilical Hernia. And in selecting Dr.Paleomylitis and the Apollonian Hospital for my surgery in October 2024, I could not have made a better choice. Due to the extensive experience in the field of this type of operation and the options of the kind of surgery open to me, I felt very confident in the surgeons skills and in the hospitals' post-recovery care. Together, the combination facilitated a succesfull surgery with a short recovery period and regular check ups by the surgeon on my progress.
I appreciate the skills of the surgeon and the support care of the Apollonion Hospital.

Vesela Pavlou
Dear Sirs,
I would like to express my gratitude to Dr Geoge Milios, Specialist General Doctor for the care given to my 10-year daughter, Maria, who he admitted to the emergency department of your hospital with a broken foot and in big pain. Dr. Milios is an exceptional professional with an amazing approach to smaller patients. Wishing all the best to the entire hospital team.
Kind regards,
Vesela Pavlou

Markos Kyriakidis
And there comes a day in your life (when you thought you had real problems) and they inform you that your 11-year-old son urgently needs an open-heart surgery after being diagnosed with a right coronary artery abnormality.
The ground beneath your feet crumbles and you desperately start researching what this heart condition/abnormality is, how it is fixed, what statistics have to say about the problem, and most importantly: who to trust with your baby's life. USA, Europe, Israel? You collect all the information and put it on the table to decide.
After research and prompts from doctors, friends and acquaintances who had the same "luck" as us, I decide to contact Dr. Tzanavaros of the Cardiac Innovation Center of Apollonion Hospital.
My friend request was followed by a flurry of questions regarding the operation, the post-operative stage, the baby's psychology, etc.
This gentleman (Ioannis Tzanavaros), during the weekend (the only time available to devote to his family) answered all my questions in the most empathetic way you can relieve the worries of a parent whose child is going to undergo an open-heart surgery.
This was followed by a 1 hour conference call (since I was abroad) during which answered all my questions again with great patience and empathy he.
Our admission to the hospital was the first hug of love we received, as Larissa made it as easy as possible.
The "ages" of the operation were left behind when the doctor announced to us that everything went well, that we should not worry anymore and that we would see him as soon as he was ready.
Nikolas enters the Intensive Care Unit and the recovery begins.
They stood next to him like tireless guardian angels in order to take care of him and look after him as if he were their own baby. Should I talk about Sotiris? David? Georgia? The German one? I would be unfair with anyone else.
Even Babiniotis, with the rich Greek vocabulary, would not find the words to express my gratitude for these people.
Let me start with the maestro, Dr. Tzanavaros, a brilliant scientist with such an empathy and patience, that even Dalai Lama would envy. (Now that I think about it, the orange color would suit you). My doctor, my John, my friend, THANK YOU!
Dr. Giorgos Siakos. If you exclude the fact that he is a supporter of Omonoia, the Man has ZERO defects with a gentility and genuine kindness, ALWAYS willing to help and take care of the baby. Giorgos belongs to the people.
George, my friend, THANK YOU!
Dr. Antigoni Pontikou. Was always concerned about us, always there to inform us during the surgery, to take care of us and to reassure us about any concerns the baby might had (and his annoying father).
My Antigoni, THANK YOU!
Germans who, with Merkel style, inspire you with the confidence and safety of a Mercedes S-Class.
Danke für alles!
All the children, Doctors, nurses, cleaners have managed to create a great miracle for Cyprus.
The Cardiac Innovation Center at Apollonion Private Hospital
I keep writing and deleting.
In what words can I express my gratitude to you??
May you ALWAYS be well, you, your families, and everyone who loves you and whom you love..
With eternal gratitude,

Neophyta Piskopou
I feel an obligation and a great imperative to thank the doctors and those who were close to me in the recent and both difficult and dangerous adventure I went through with my health.
The doctors, Dr.Tzanavaros Ioannis, Dr. Georgiou Giorgos, Dr. Kyprianou Dimitris and Dr. Papadopoulos Kyriakos with their scientific training studied my case with great composure and received approval for me to be operated on at Apollonion Private Hospital.
It would be a great omission on my part, if I did not send my warm thanks to my anesthetist Dr. Antigoni Pontikou, who, with her vitality and positive aura, gave me incredible strength before the whole process began.
I must not fail to thank all the staff of the cardiology ward, who tirelessly and willingly stood by me with a good word of consolation and love.
Apollonion! Your scientific staff is commendable and with great responsibility works flawlessly giving us life. The chance to live again.
But also, all the staff who with their hard work contribute to this sacred work.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
God bless you and your families.

Antonis Adamidis
I was discharged yesterday from the respective surgical department of your Hospital, after a left partial nephrectomy performed by Dr. Poulakis.
I consider it my duty to congratulate you on the high level of services, infrastructure and the competence and interest of your staff, medical and support.
Please forward my congratulations and thanks to the relevant Departments. Additionally, and especially, I thank Dr. Giorgos Minas, Dr. Pagdati and Ms. Anna Markoulli for the sympathy and support in the respiratory problem I faced.

Ioannis Albertis
I would like to congratulate your choice of staff in the endoscopy department, specifically the ladies:
Tsiala Tsarouhidou & Maria Michael & Eftychia Hatzigeorgiou!
I have experience in examinations, because I have undergone many times in Greece, the USA and Switzerland, but the service of the above nurses to me, the patient, was impeccable! Well done!